E sambata dimineata. Stau cu o ceasca de cafea si cineva imi trimite acest link. Nu se putea potrivi mai bine! Mersi red! Candva o sa ajung si la Havana si am sa stau cu-n Cuba Libre si cu-n trabuc pe plaje si o sa-mi amintesc despre viata privind cum soarele se scufunda incet incet in ocean. Apoi Salsa!! Henrik Langeland scrie in cartea sa "Wonderboy ca "the kick is not the fear of falling, but the urge to jump". Interesant! Si totodata un inceput de week-end destul de ok. Ms mult Red! Iti raman dator....
2 comentarii:
My pleasure, mister! ;)
If you wanna get to know yourself a litlle better… drop by on my blog and see the last post. It’s all about the I’s… >:D<
P.S.: I dare you to make a list of your own. ;)
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