sâmbătă, 26 decembrie 2009

There is no place for Peter Skaarup in Europe!

This is a comment to the danish politician who claims that romanians and easteuropeans are to blame for his countries problems. His name is Peter Skaarup and you can find his article here. This is my comment to his article:

You are an idiot, sir! With all due respect, people like you are just as dangerous as any criminal regardless of nationality. I find it very offensive to be compared to criminals and killers by a narrowminded, uneducated and evil person like yourself.

I am romanian. I live in Sweden. Should I consider all danish-born persons, that are blond and have blue eyes, as criminals because I know a danish criminal in Sweden?

People like you, doesn't deserve to live amongst us, amongst civilized people. Who gives you the right to talk about my people as criminals? Who gives you the right to make me a criminal because I too was born i Romania?

How do you dare to make every romanian a thief, a murderer and a lower specimen of the human race? Aren't you supposed to be more evolved than that? Haven't you learned anything from your history?

There is no longer room for you, and the likes of you, in Europe. Go away mr Skaarup! Or get an education at least!

People in Sweden and, apparently, Denmark are putting the blame on the stranger. It's so sad. Because usually the blame can be found just by looking in the mirror...

Şi cică ei sunt mai "dezvoltati"! Vedeţi? Şi-n ţările scandinave sunt Vadimi si Becali....

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

Felicitări!!!!!!! suntenţi un patriot perfect,mai patriot decât mulţi români născuţi in România şi care au trăit mulţi ani in ţară.In sfârşit am avut ocazia să văd un român adevărat care in ciuda faptului că a plecat de mic copil din ţară,işi apără conaţionalii şi arată adevărul danezilor,care nu işi văd gunoaiele din micuţa lor ţară.Românul este harnic,curat la suflet şi trup,ospitalier şi tolerant şi multe alte calităţi pe care danezii nu le au.(am scris antonimele defectelor danezilor) şi dacă mă gândesc bine mai sunt destule.Aveţi perfectă dreptate ,să se privească in oglindă să-şi vadă bârna din ochii lor.